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Withnell Fold

Primary School

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School Logo

Withnell Fold

Primary School

Wrap Around Care





Our manager is Mrs Heard 


After School Club


The after school club is held at School and is very popular. The club runs from the end of the school day 3.15pm until 5.45pm. The cost per session is £8.50. 


Staff are experienced and hold appropriate qualifications and training.  Training includes First Aid, Safeguarding and Food Hygiene. The staff keep the children busy and happy in a warm friendly atmosphere.


There are lots of fun activities for the children to experience incorporating the children’s own ideas and interests. The club is set up into various areas of play provision including creative activities, , homework area and ICT as well as other age appropriate games and activities. .


The children are provided with healthy snacks and drinks.


Breakfast Club


The breakfast club is open from 7.45 am to 8.45am. The cost is £5.00 per session which includes a healthy breakfast and drink.


For further information please contact the school office on 01254 830437 or email :


Fees are subject to an annual review


Various childcare vouchers accepted






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