SEN Policy 2024
All staff regard all children as special, however there are some children for whom additional provision is necessary. In compliance with the ‘Code of Practice’ we recognise that every child has an equal right of access to the curriculum. However, although the goals of education remain the same for all children, the help that children need in progressing towards them will be different. The school’s special needs co-ordinator, Mrs Moreton is able to liaise with outside agencies such as the Schools’ Support Agency and Psychological Service. They help draw up programmes of work to assist children with special needs. The programmes are partly used by these agencies but mainly are an aid to the class teacher. If appropriate, additional staff or equipment may be needed to help a child. These will be provided, finance permitting.
At Withnell Fold we use the Code of Practice as a basis for organising our SEN provision. Although no longer statutory, children on the special needs register will have an individual education programme (IEP) written which will contain short-term targets and recommendations. The IEP will be reviewed and parents invited to discuss their child’s progress at regular intervals. Parents will also be informed if it is felt that their child would benefit from an assessment by an educational psychologist.
Mrs S Moreton is is our special needs co-ordinator/SENDCo.
Mrs Sue Bird is the nominated SEN governor.
Further details can be found in the school’s SEN policy; please ask Mrs Moreton who will provide you with details.
Please see the section below to read the school's Local Offer.