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Withnell Fold

Primary School

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School Logo

Withnell Fold

Primary School



Each week, on Friday, homework will be sent home in a yellow homework folder. It will consist of a grammar and a maths activity. Due to the effective, efficient and valuable learning online, we will continue to send some homework by uploading it onto Purple Mash. We appreciate some families will have preferences for both formats and therefore have agreed a combination of both options will support everyone. Spellings will also be uploaded under the spellings tab each week.


Homework is a great way to top up the learning that has taken place within the classroom. In most cases, staff will send home work related to the topic areas taught within the week or areas that have been covered prior to it being sent home. 


Creative homework tasks may also be sent home during some weeks or a table of creative challenges may be uploaded for children to complete at their leisure throughout a half term (often linked to a COJO famous explorer). 


We encourage Year 3 & 4 to be reading their home reading books for at least 10 minutes a day as well as regularly practising spellings throughout the week.


As learning our times tables is a key focus in years 3 & 4, we encourage the children to regularly log into their Times Table Rockstar account (using the log in details sent home) and play at least 5 games each week. 


Please contact school if you have any questions in relation to anything mentioned above.   


Keep up the hard work at home Class 3 smiley

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