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Withnell Fold

Primary School

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School Logo

Withnell Fold

Primary School

Class Information

Continuous Provision in Early Years


The Early Years classroom and outdoor area is at the very heart of our learning and Development.


Children in Foundation Stage are able to engage in purposeful open ended provision to support and stimulate their learning alongside structured class teacher lead sessions. 


As a class we access free flow provision in a morning as part of our English, Maths and Phonics lessons. Provision is often used in the afternoon to help further consolidate and enhance learning experiences. The areas of continuous provision within our environment are linked directly to the children’s interests along with the key topics as displayed on our curriculum map.


Please be sure to browse our Curriculum Map under Curriculum Coverage.

Our Early Years Ethos 


In our first class at Withnell Fold we aim to promote self-confidence, independence and encourage the children to become willing learners. We do this by providing the children with a safe, happy and stimulating environment where they can reach their full potential, as we believe that children flourish best in a welcoming and inclusive environment with appropriate learning opportunities.


We  help the children to build caring and understanding relationships with their peers and adults they have contact with based on mutual respect, tolerance, honesty and acceptance. We treat each individual as a person in his/her own right, and we value each individual for what they bring to school, be it their different levels of ability, their religion or different cultural backgrounds.


We promote healthy lifestyles by meeting the physical and emotional needs of our children. Through the Foundation Stage we provide experiences to help the children to make informed choices, of what foods to eat for example and the benefits of exercise. We encourage all children to be healthy, stay, and make a positive contribution, while enjoying and achieving.


We use the ‘Development Matters' outcomes to continually assess the children throughout the Foundation Year.

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