Curriculum Policies
Hard copies of policies
Paper copies of all policies are available from school on request
Foundation Stage Policy
E Safety Policy
Maths Policy
Feedback, Marking and Presentation Policy
English Policy 2023-2024
At Withnell Fold, early reading skills are taught using synthetic phonics as the main approach to reading. Children are encouraged to develop an enjoyment of reading through access to a range of books and texts. Our exciting curriculum provides many opportunities for children to apply their English skills in other subjects, for different purposes and audiences. Different types of writing are also taught to children through a cross-curricular approach.
Science Policy 2024 - 2025
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. At Withnell Fold we believe that all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science.
Art Policy
In Art and Design lessons, children enjoy experimenting with different media and applying a range of skills to produce their work, often inspired by local, national and worldwide renown artists. Art and Design is taught half termly through a topic themed approach and links to the new National Curriculum. Theme weeks are held in school at various times and these weeks allow parents and visitors to come into school to share their experiences and skills with our children, sometimes culminating in large scale projects.
DT Policy
Design Technology covers skills such as needlework, sawing and cooking and allows children to use a range of tools in a controlled environment, which they may not have used outside school, but will no doubt come into contact with in the future. Theme weeks are held in school at various times to allow children to further experience the skills of Design Technology. This subject is taught half termly through a topic themed approach and links to the new National Curriculum.
Worship Policy
At Withnell Fold we ensure that a high quality history education is taught which helps our pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We do this by inspiring pupil’s curiosity to know more about the past and equip them with the skills to ask questions about the past, to think critically as well as develop perspective and judgment.
Geography Policy
History Policy
We instill, in our pupils, a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes alongside inspiring curiosity and fascination about the wonderful world we live in. Practical geographical skills in fieldwork, compass reading and map reading are developed. Locational knowledge of the United Kingdom’s, and the world’s, countries and cities along with naming and locating the world’s seven continents and five oceans are essential.
Computing Policy
At Withnell fold we value the contribution that Computing can make for the benefit of all pupils, staff, parents and governors. We strive to provide safe Computing opportunities in all subjects to motivate and inspire pupils and raise standards across Withnell Fold School. It is our hope that everyone in our school community will become lifelong learners equipped to meet developing technology with confidence, enthusiasm and the skills that will prepare them for a future in an ever-changing world. We enable them to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information in an effective way. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.
Modern Foreign Languages Policy
At Withnell Fold, we aim for our children to foster an interest in learning another language, gaining enjoyment, pride and a sense of achievement. We teach MFL throughout KS2 in line with the Framework for Languages. A multi-sensory and kinaesthetic approach is used in our language lessons.
Music Policy
At Withnell Fold, we promote a love of music through various singing opportunities throughout the week, and instrumental lessons provided by the Lancashire Music Service, as well as the music lessons planned by each teacher. A weekly Singing Club is also held after school for those children who have a love of singing. Our children participate in the Young Voices concerts, held at the Co Op live arena as well as Year 3 and 4 taking part in the Lets Go Sing project. Singing, dancing and drama come together for FS and KS1 in the annual nativity play and for KS2 in the annual Summer production, held at the Thwaites Theatre in Blackburn.