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Withnell Fold

Primary School

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School Logo

Withnell Fold

Primary School

Reading Books, Phonics & Homework

New home readers in line with your child's phonic phase will be sent home weekly. These books are fully decodable meaning your child should be able to read them independently using their phonic knowledge to 'segment' and 'blend' words and identify those that are 'tricky'.


In addition to a decodable reading book children are also sent home with a 'Free Choice' reading book that is designed to be shared between parent/child. 


In line with our school Reading Policy may we ask that all parents sign and date their child’s reading record each time they have read at home. 


Homework is sent on a weekly basis and will either consist of an online 2Do via Purple Mash or a piece of homework in your child's book. 


Please contact the school office of speak to Mrs Chandler should you need another copy of your child's Purple Mash login. 



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